Time Magazine has named MetaFilter one of the “25 Best Blogs of 2009.”
This is the community weblog that gives crowdsourcing a good name.
I’m making note of it because MetaFilter is the work of McMinnville, OR resident, Matt Haughey.
Since moving to Portland last August, I’ve taken note of how many craftsmen and women are at work here. Many. In every conceivable field. To stay with content creators for now, I’d like to present my list of Portland’s top producers.
Dave Allen of music site Pampelmoose is a founding member of UK Post-Punk band, Gang of Four. He hosts a show on 94.7 knrk and holds down a big time day job at Nemo Design.
Rick Turoczy is the Silicon Florist. He keeps Portlanders up to date on all the local happenings in tech. He also writes for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most prominent tech publications online.
Marshall Kirkpatrick is Vice President of Content Development at ReadWriteWeb, and also the Lead Writer.
Dawn Foster is a social media maven, community manager and event organizer. She writes Fast Wonder and contributes to Om Malik’s WebWorkerDaily.
Amber Case is is a Cyborg Anthropologist and Consultant. She writes at Hazelnut Tech Talk and Discovery Channel’s new NerdAbout.
Julian Chadwick is the content generating mad man behind PDXPipeline, the best source for upcoming cultural events in the city.
Cami Kaos & Dr. Normal are the city’s husband and wife podcasting team par excellence. They produce Strange Love Live, a weekly interview show featuring Portland’s movers and shakers in the social web space.
By no means is this list exhaustive. A quick run through Strange Love Live’s archives, for instance, shows how much deeper it all goes.