Josh Rubin’s Triple Play

by | Oct 14, 2005


What Does Tropolism Mean?

Tropolism means was taken.

Tropolism means believing that cities are the crowning achievement in our civilization. After ultrasuede, of course.

Tropolism means urban life is a glorious mess, as are the buildings and spaces that enable it.

Tropolism means addicted to density.

Tropolism means loving the works of architects, and all the public conversation that surrounds it, while retaining a healthy skepticism for what architects say about their work.

Tropolism means writing about loving works of architects, and about skepticism for what they say.

Tropolism means calling bullshit.

Tropolism means no complaining.

Tropolism means proposing new alternatives.

Tropolism means finding beauty everywhere it exists.

Tropolism means making the hidden city visible.

Tropolism is edited by NYC-based architect/writer Chad Smith. It’s published by Josh Rubin, who also puts out Cool Hunting and Needled.