“The Raconteurs of Madison County” is a title I came up with one day, after encountering the Web site Name Your Tale.
Name Your Tale asks for a title and if they like it, one of the site’s writers creates “a very short story, in fact, exactly 100 words.” Jenny Nicholson, who lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and works in advertising by day, “while plotting world domination at night,” was kind enough to write to my title idea.
Name Your Tale was started by Nick Faber. Jeremy Griffin is also part of the project.
On other micro fiction fronts, we have Two Sentence Stories, Fifty Word Stories and Six Word Stories.
I just submitted three “six word stories” for consideration. They are:
- Will work for mansion in Wilmette.
- It takes beer to make wine.
- Before Twitter she did not type.
Maybe these bits will be digitally elevated on Six Word Stories. Or maybe I need to work harder to get away from bumper sticker copy. Either way, it’s a fun exercise and I appreciate the efforts of those involved.