Okay, I know I’m 38 years old and that that’s totally ancient if you’re in college, but what happened in Fort Collins on Tuesday night solidified for me, once and for all, that I am in fact over some sort of hill. We departed Lakewood at 6:50 p.m. and arrived at the CSU campus at 8:05 p.m., plenty early, or so we thought. As we walked around Moby Arena toward the entry, we could hear The Mule playing inside the building. I hurried to get my ticket from Will Call only to discover that The Mule had gone on at 7:30 p.m.–a full forty five minutes earlier. When I entered the building it only got worse. There were kids being kids everywhere I looked. I’m not talking freaks here, I’m talking 18 year old college kids chatting and acting up in the halls of the auditorium, completely oblivious to the Mule concert inside. All this because O.A.R., the evening’s headliner was not yet up. Of A Revolution, or O.A.R. as they are known, is a band I had never even heard of before. Like I said, I felt pretty out of it.